Gadgets for the Guru: New Year Resolution edition

Happy New Year AZ tech community! It’s that time of year when everyone sets a New Year resolution, so the AZTB team wanted to suggest a few awesome tech gadgets to help with your health, fitness and sleep goals.   Ray by Misfit Misfit’s newest addition to its line of activity trackers, Ray, is a … Read more

No more app integration, Bolste launches all-in-one team communication tool

Slaying the dragon of endless email is just one of the many challenges of streamlining team communication. Add in daily engagement with other productive app services such as DropBox, Evernote, Slack and BaseCamp, you have one chaotic dragon farm to manage all the clutter. A new Scottsdale-based company Bolste drew its sword and launched an all-in-one … Read more

Keep in tune with your health at home — CES 2016 health tech

Forget constant visits to sterile doctor’s offices. The integration between technology and health is letting consumers have the option of keeping in tune with their body themselves from the comfort of their own home. Check your temperature in two seconds — Thermo by Withings Consumer electronics company Withings is making its way in to the … Read more

Elevate your athleticism – CES 2016

Looking to take your athleticism to the next level? At CES 2016, tech companies showcased wearables to monitor your movement in several sports such as baseball, snowboarding, surfing or just plain ol’ jogging. The Easton Power Sensor attaches to the bottom of any bat and tracks your movement as you take a swing. An advanced algorithm called … Read more

Get a better night's rest with sleep tech – CES 2016

Video contribution by Xavier Smith Having trouble falling asleep? Want to see how much REM sleep you get each night? Technology now lets you do all that, from tracking your sleep to finding out when your elderly parent is going to bed.   Improving marriages — Beddit’s contact-less snore tracker Beddit’s under-the-bed contactless sensor tracks everything from heart … Read more

New LG OLED TV as thin as 4 credit cards – CES 2016

Photo contribution Ryan Loebe & Chloe Nordquist A TV as thin as four credit cards stacked on top of each other, a smart refrigerator that responds with a knock and a washing machine that will open with a touch of a finger were among the new Signature premium products released at CES LG Electronics press … Read more

UA researchers use sound waves to unlock secrets of the brain

Researchers at the University of Arizona are working on a new brain-scanning technology that could potentially revolutionize the way neuroscientists study the human brain.   The emerging technology, acoustoelectric brain imaging or ABI, works similarly to the ultrasound technology doctors have been using for decades. ABI uses sound waves to measure electrical activity within the … Read more

Wearable health tech startup teleScrypts expanding pilot to Africa

A Phoenix-based med tech startup is working to provide healthcare access for low resource communities, starting with a pilot community in Tanzania. TeleScrypts is piloting with 5,000 of the last hunter gatherers called the Hadza population in Tanzania. This is the first mobile health platform they have used according to founder Omron Blauo. “At teleScrypts our … Read more

Diagnose epilepsy through a mobile device – chat with Neel Mehta, co-founder EpiFinder

The CDC reports that about 5.1 million people (adults and children) have a history of epilepsy and about 2.9 million people have active epilepsy in the United States, with the most common causes being a stroke, brain injury, or a brain infection, among others. Neel Mehta, co-founder and chief strategy officer of EpiFinder, a diagnostic app that … Read more

Dude, what’s up with your mouse flow?

That moment you are on the clock to complete the online sale and the website decides it’s the time to stop working. Are. You. Kidding. Me! Frantic mouse clicks around the site begin, then yelling, then back to clicking and a prayer…finally, your purchase goes through. Phew. For web developers, understanding where users become frustrated … Read more