Arizona tech entrepreneur legend Pat Sullivan shares his best wisdom in latest AZ Tech Podcast episode

Pat Sullivan

Have you ever wanted to sit down with a seasoned entrepreneur and pick their brain on everything they know and have learned over their years? Well, this episode is for you. Local tech entrepreneur legend Pat Sullivan is almost 70 years old and has no desire to stop working in tech and building companies. Pat … Read more

Clate Mask says he’s back in charge of Keap, formerly Infusionsoft, in latest AZ Tech Podcast episode

Keap, formerly known as Infusionsoft, is one of Arizona’s most successful software companies, but the company’s had really high highs and really low lows. In this episode of AZ Tech Podcast, Keap co-founder Clate Mask shares the intimate and emotional roller coaster that comes with building a $100 million revenue SaaS company, including the three … Read more

AZ Tech Podcast Episode 14: Mike Roberts and Bob LaLoggia return

Both Mike Roberts and Bob La Loggia have been on the podcast before, but this week we’re trying something different. We had so much fun with them that we invited them back, this time together. Mike and Bob update us on what’s been happening since the last time we talked and what they plan to … Read more

AZ Tech Podcast Episode 13: Jamie Baxter, Co-founder & CEO, Qwick

Jamie Baxter’s company Qwick was almost a casualty of the pandemic. As an on-demand staffing startup for food and beverage contract employees, the shutdown of the food and beverage industry was nearly a death sentence. But Jamie and his team made some hard decisions, like laying off 60% of their staff and the remaining employees … Read more

AZ Tech Podcast Episode 9: Romi Dhillon, CEO & Co-Founder, Sonoran Founders Fund

Ruminder (Romi) Dhillon believes in Arizona’s potential to produce startups that can deliver what he calls “Bay-area results.” In fact, that belief is the foundation of Romi’s mission at Sonoran Founders Fund. As co-founder and CEO of Sonoran Founders Fund, Romi is responsible for not only finding the next big venture, but also constantly evangelizing … Read more