Challenge Cup AZ names 1st round of winners

Co-written Tishin Donkersley The Arizona technology community of co-working spaces, incubators and startups came together this past Saturday for the inaugural Challenge Cup AZ where startups from around Arizona competed for a seat in the next round held in San Francisco. Co-hosted by CO+HOOTS, Seed Spot, Blind Society, Coplex, StartupAz Foundation, Local First Arizona, Nerdery, Stealthmode Partners, … Read more

$1 million in prizes up for grabs at the Challenge Cup

What would you do for your startup with a slice of $1 million in prizes? Phoenix coworking space CO+HOOTS and global startup incubator 1776 are partnering up to bring the Challenge Cup, a global pitch tournament for the most promising, world- changing startups to win cash prizes, make international connections and share their vision, to the … Read more

CO+HOOTS to represent Arizona in global incubator alliance

Coworking space CO+HOOTS will represent Arizona in Startup Federation, a global network of coworking spaces and incubators. CO+HOOTS is located in downtown Phoenix and has become home to more than 200 local small businesses. “CO+HOOTS will be leading the charge for Arizona in the global startup scene,” founder Jenny Poon said. “We will be able … Read more