Synapse Studios has launched CarbonQA, which is designed to assist Arizona start-ups improve products and user experience.
The Tempe-based company is a custom software consulting company that provides a variety of services, including web and mobile app development, healthcare software development and quality assurance and automated application testing. With CarbonQA, Synapse Studios hopes to expand their quality assurance testing services.
“CarbonQA increases product quality, saves dev cycles, and makes devs happier,” according to Chris Cardinal, principal of Synapse Studios. Cardinal notes that without a dedicated QA team, QA falls on the shoulders of developers or other product people. He says that strategy doesn’t work. It’s “a bit like editing your own writing: you hate it and you’re bad at it.”
CarbonQA’s monthly retainer starts at around $3K per month. Synapse Studios also has employees in 5 other states.