UA Tech Park – Taking it to the Borders

University of Arizona Science and Technology Park (UA Tech Park) in Tucson, Arizona, is working in conjunction with U.S. Department of Homeland Security to improve technology aimed to secure our border. At the Border Technology Evaluation Center (Border TEC), located in the UA Tech Park, this testing and evaluation center aims assist the government by developing standards, methodologies, and processes for objective testing and evaluation of technology. In addition, the program will advance in border patrol efforts by accelerating the development and deployment of border technologies. In addition, the program is commercializing new border technology through licensing, attracting economic development, and creating job opportunities for professional, skilled, and entry-level workers in border communities.
Although Homeland Security is making improvements to secure the U.S.-Mexico border by installing systems such as ground sensors, these measures have shown to have flaws; current ground sensors are having difficulty distinguishing between a human footstep from a storming pack of wild animals. Fortunately new innovation is evolving out of the UA Tech Park to address this concern such as improved ground sensors and electro-optic, infared and radar systems from DRS Technologies.

Provided by UA Tech Park
Provided by UA Tech Park

The UA Tech Park is an ideal site to pioneer the relationship between technology and security. It is one of the top university research parks in the US and houses 52 high tech companies, with seven being in defense and border security and aerospace.
Leading the UA Tech Park is the Office of University Research Parks (OURP)-known for working in the field of cross-border trade and development for more than twenty years-and has provided strategic planning and program development assistance to the governors of Arizona and Sonora as well as to the Arizona-Mexico Commission and Governor’s Canamex Trade Corridor Task Force.
Technologic potential transcends all traditional methods of protection, and a bright future lies ahead for the high-tech reinvention of effective border patrol.
Learn more about the UA Tech Park by visiting
Contributing author: Slater Katz