Evercast grows revenues 10x, raises $4M to keep Hollywood’s lights on

We have Evercast to thank for the hours of binge-watching we did while on lockdown during the pandemic. Without Evercast, we wouldn’t have had our favorite movies and television shows to keep us from going bored out of our minds. 

Evercast is a remote collaboration platform that allows creatives to stream audio and video work sessions in high quality and low latency – sort of like next-level Zoom. Film directors and producers can work together from anywhere in the world so, even as the world shut down, they didn’t have to skip a beat if they were using the platform. 

Scottsdale-based Evercast is one of the great success stories of the pandemic. Like Zoom, the platform became essential for editing films during quarantine. As a result, the company grew more than 10x in 2020. 

Before 2020 hit, Evercast Co-Founder Brad Thomas spent a couple years pitching his platform to Hollywood. Execs saw the use in it, but didn’t really need it at the time. Their current processes worked just fine. But then March 2020 hit and everyone was forced to shut down unless they could work remotely. The studios then remembered a company that would allow them to do just that. 

In a recent interview on AZ Tech Podcast, Thomas says he and his team were flooded with requests to use the platform. It was a small miracle that the Evercast platform didn’t collapse from the sudden increase in work. 

Evercast has proven its utility and Thomas hopes Hollywood will still take advantage of the remote workflow. The company just finished a $4M raise to keep meeting customer’s needs, even as needs continue to change. 

Luck favors the prepared, and boy, was Evercast prepared. 

Watch or listen to the AZ Tech Podcast interview with Brad.

Evercast company profile on Gregslist.