Arizona is forecasted to have one of the fast job growths in the United States, according to an USA Today article quoting an IHS Global Insight report.
The article credits Arizona’s growing technology sector for the growth, as well as an increase in tourism and a stabilized housing market.
Arizona’s tech sector is growing from within the state, as well as companies moving operations to the state. This year GoDaddy will open another facility in Tempe adding 300 new jobs. Last fall Apple announced it would create 2,000 jobs when it opens up manufacturing operations in Mesa, Gigya announced it would bring 200 jobs to the Valley, and Tesla announced Arizona is one of the four states where it is considering building a plant.
It is not only Arizona where the jobs are growing but also much of the western United States. According to the article seven of the top 10 states with the fastest job growth are in the West. A lot of the growth is based on the tech industry, as well as oil and natural gas drilling jobs.
Read more about Arizona’s job growth.