Weekend Reads: Organize Tomorrow Today, Einstein & Magnetic

Start the New Year off right! Grab a good read and cozy up to your fireplace for a nice night of rest and relaxation. Here are some great book suggestions.
Organize Tomorrow Today book coverJust like everybody else in the world, you have a finite amount of time: 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Part of that time is spent at work and it’s how we organize our daily live that makes us successful. In “Organize Tomorrow Today” by Dr. Jason Selk & Tom Bartow with Matthew Rudy, the authors say that learning to use “the power of the mind” is the way to boost productivity. No doubt, you create a to-do list each day, but the authors say you should do tomorrow’s list this afternoon, long before quittin’ time. Then prioritize by choosing the three most important (not urgent) tasks and setting tomorrow’s time frame for finishing them. Write everything in longhand, by the way; it will imprint better in your brain. Understand how to conquer “fight-thrus.” Know how to evaluate and track your own performance and success. Learn what to say – and not to say – to yourself and to others. Embrace “abnormal” and, above all, learn to stop worrying about what you can’t control. Read and take in each chapter and you’ll be feeling like a productive professional in no time. Purchase the book here.
How to Think Like Einstein book coverThough we are trained to heed rules in life and in work, breaking them, claims author Scott Thorpe, is the “universal principle” for thinking like a genius. In his book “How to Think Like Einstein,” Thorpe explains what made Einstein so darn smart: he was happy to ignore conventional wisdom and get out of “rule ruts.” Once you’ve identified the problem, “create a better one” by “resizing” the conundrum, making it simpler, and changing your attitude towards it. Try to look at it differently, and then write it down again. Help is going to take some serious digging, but there’s a whole chapter with group exercises for breaking out of “rule ruts.” Why not give it a try? Maybe you would like breaking a rule or two. Purchase the book here.
Magnetic book coverWhat’s the secret to attracting new clients? Author Joe Calloway knows, and in his new book Magnetic: The Art of Attracting Business, carefully draws it out. Magnetic is a method for pulling in new clients by tapping into “the greatest marketing program of all time,” a.k.a ‘word of mouth.’ “The single most important factor in the future success of your business,” he says,” is this, what your customers tell people about their experience with you.” Making sure that your message positive is “the single most important thing… to grow your business.” Purchase the book here.
Check out more Weekend Reads here
Contributions by Terri Schlichenmeyer