Thumbs up! Phoenix Mobile Festival returns September 19

The biggest mobile conference in Arizona is returning September 19 for its fourth year, bringing developers, designers, and entrepreneurs together to share their visions for the future of mobility.
“All of the founders of the mobile meetup have been in the mobile space for over a decade now. We wanted to make sure we could meet like-minded people and share knowledge,” Kiran Mudiam, one of the organizers and founders of the meetup and festival said. “The festival was part of that process, we decided that every year we will have a full day conference that’s free for users.”
This year’s keynote speaker is software company Citrix’s Chief Futurist Guy Bieber. Other guests include company CEOs, futurists and Developer Evangelists both local and from outside the Valley.
Topics will range from cross platform development to IOT to Android.
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“The event is mostly a learning experience for people to come and enjoy some of the futuristic things you can expect in the mobile and IOT space,” Mudiam said. “Mobile has taken over the world.”
The festival will be an all day event at Infusionsoft in Chandler, and includes breakfast, lunch, and a networking session. The event starts at 8 a.m., with the keynote speaker at 8:45 a.m., and sessions starting at 10 a.m. every hour on the hour.
The event is free, and interested participants can register online here or at the conference on the day of.
For more event coverage, click here.